Juicy Title:

The Team Whisperer

XYZ Statement:

My get started True North Business idea would be to show struggling teams how to work effectively together in a team environment of high morale, fun and productivity so that they would consistently get outstanding results.

Joyce Dias

Ever had so many ideas jostling in your head demanding attention and to be given life? That was me. I am passionate about so many different things, that I did not know where to begin. I became a fast paced entrepreneurial dabbler… Making hay when an opportunity arose, but unable to sustain either the fast pace, financial returns and interest in the idea,because a new idea was jostling for space in my head.

I had been toying with a few ideas, but did not know if they were a long term fit for fun and financial returns. I honestly did not know where to start.

Along came Marisa’s course, aptly named: Start With You!

That was a beacon of hope because everything starts with me in my life and in my business. I am not in business just to serve others but also to serve myself and what makes life interesting to me!

My biggest shift came from mining my past for clues on what I did joyfully and with excitement without feeling overwhelmed. It was working in teams… Right from childhood through university and beyond, being on a fun and effective team that produced results that I could not have got by my own efforts alone.

In fact my best memory was as a student during the pre-Internet days when we fought to get the same books from the library too do our research.

Then I got this brainwave instead of fighting for the same books let’s conquer challenge in the shortest possible time before the exams.

Let’s each take up a topic and borrow different books, do the research and make copies of our notes for each other. In about two weeks, we had as a team done the research and shared notes with each other. That would have individually taken us months to do on our own with a lot of ill feeling because of fighting over books not being returned on time.

And all of us made the honours list. It was a joyful celebration. We had learned the power of teamwork.

As my favourite African proverb goes: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

That was it!

My get started True North Business idea would be to show struggling teams how to work effectively together in a team environment of high morale, fun and productivity so that they would consistently get outstanding results. I would call myself The Team Whisperer.

All very juicy stuff: but would it be a viable business idea? I measured it up against the 7 criteria, it was a Slam Dunk! It not only met every criteria, it is what I do best! My superpower is connection and I connect the team heart line with the company’s bottom-line!  By following the steps outlined in this course, I had not only identified my True North Business Idea, but also my specific niche in the world of floundering project teams with tight deadlines and a need to deliver big results quickly.

I am working on my sales page now, but have already reached out to some of my contacts who are connecting me with opportunities before the sales page is even up.

What an eye opening adventure this has been! Thank You Marisa for getting me to Start With Me!